Welcome to Quran Learning Institute
Sayyidah ‘Aa’ishah Siddiqah (رضي الله عنها) relates that the Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said: “Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels”.
[Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim]
About Us
The Quran Learning Institute (QLI) is a division of Jam-e-Masjid Islamic Center (JMIC), offers weekdays and weekend classes for children, brothers and sisters to learn Nobel Quran. The Quran classes include reading (nazra), Hifdh (memorization), and advance Tajweed classes. We take children at age 6-years (with some exceptions for 5-year old children, if they are ready for class environment) and teach them the basic letters and words to be able to read Quran and memorize the Quran. Our children are taught basic Tajweed from the beginning to recite Quranic verses with beautification. With their beautiful voices, our young children also lead Qiyyams nights during the Holy month of Ramadan. Understanding the meaning of Allah (swt) message and commands in the Quran are as important as the reading and memorization. We also teach our children Quranic Arabic to be able to learn and understand the meaning of Quranic verses. Many of our brothers/sisters do not know how to read Quran correctly and understand the meaning of the Quranic verses. QLI also offers Quran reading with Tajweed and Quaranic Arabic classes for brothers and sisters.
Quran Learning Institute has been conduction ongoing sessions for Hifdh & Tajweed for the brothers and sisters of Boonton, Parsippany and surrounding communities under the umbrella of JIMC since Dec 2012. It was due to the dedication and constant efforts of some parents that whole program was established. We were fortunate enough to have one of the most renowned Qaris, Qari Hashim Abbasi join the program since inception. At Quran Learning Institute we are striving to:
- Groom scholars for tomorrow by teaching young kinds the proper way to study Quran
- Prepare Huffaz for the future
- Tajweed program for brother and sisters to help them understand matters of Deen in a better way
Program Director/JMIC Shurah Member
Gul Khan
Our Teachers
Imam Basel Hamdeh
Br. Omar Saide
Sr. Hend Ibrahim Hashem
Muzamil Amin
Sr. Ameena Brown
Our Management Team
Other than teachers, QLI does not have any paid support staff. We rely on parents to volunteer their time to help run this program. Our management team primarily consists of parents whose children are enrolled in the program. QLI is operated by the parents for the parents.
Sr. Lamia
Sr. Juveria
Sr. Nadia Qureshi
Br. Shakeel Mohammad
Br. Sharif
Br. Saad