Alhumdolillah, JMIC has the best Funeral Service in the state of New Jersey.
We will take care of all your needs from A to Z after the initial contact has been made. Please do not panic, Insha’Allah we will be on your side until the complete burial has taken place.
Step 1.
Please fill out the complete information of the deceased by clicking this link:
Step 2:
Call Sr. Sahar @ 973-997-7180 between the hours of 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. If the situation arises between the hours of 10:00 pm and 7:00 am we won’t be able to do anything except to wait for your doctor to sign the death certificate.
Since we already have your completed information, we’ll pick up the body from your home, hospice or hospital as soon as your doctor has signed the death certificate.
Step 3.
Once your doctor has signed the death certificate, we will pick up the body within 75 minutes and will bring it to JMIC to do the rest until complete burial services have taken place.